Issue #6 / July 2024
What’s Going On?
When I Grow Up, I Want to be a Video Game Composer... Ahoy! It’s finally summer, and for me, that usually means nine weeks of free time to spend with my family, to spend outdoors, and to produce music of course! I have now completed five video game pieces for symphonic orchestra. I’ve been collaborating with YouTuber, composer and game developer HydroGene, and we have completed six compositions reminiscent of SNES-era JRPGs using the VST Magical Box. We have two more to produce, and then we’ll be able to share them with you for you to enjoy. Finally, I like to remind myself that my commitment to video game music composition started about a year ago, on July 11th, when I released my first ever album of video game music. Because of A Chiptune Fantasy, I was able to grow my confidence in showcasing my music, while interacting and collaborating with fans, composers and game developers.
Guitar News
I’ve had plenty of opportunities to mix up video game music and classical guitar over the past few months. In June, I performed a video game recital in front of friends, family and colleagues, featuring music from Final Fantasy, Diablo and other great titles from my childhood. I even presented a version of Skyport and Kakariko Village with a guitar trio. Thank you to all the great people that came out to hear video game music and offer their support! In August, during the Camp musical du Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, I’ll be conducting Skyport for four parts. To make things even better, the camp’s theme and focus will be arranging and composing for the classical guitar, and I will certainly jump at the opportunity of learning as much as I can. I’ve also discovered Dorico SE, a very powerful yet free notation software in the Steinberg family of tools.
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I’ve started arranging music from Dungeon Delivered! for the classical guitar in standard notation using Dorico. Here’s the audio file for the Main Theme that I have exported from the sheet music. Hopefully, I’ll be able to perform these pieces myself when I have the time. Here’s the sheet music if you’re interested in trying it out yourself!
What next?
I’ve been delaying the release of the album A Snessian Adventure, but I should be reviewing, mixing and mastering the pieces within the next few weeks of summer. Stay tuned for official news concerning the album release! Afterwards, I have three different ideas for future projects. I would love to produce a happy-bubbly chiptune soundtrack inspired by the music from the Kirby franchise, I would like to explore electronic music and sound design using my Minilogue XD, and I definitely want to compose more music for the symphonic orchestra. We’ll see when I get there! Game Over... Until the Next Score!